Saturday, January 17, 2009

Back to baking and thinking about creating...

After being away for three weeks, I've really been looking forward to getting back to my kitchen and cooking again. Tonight we are going to my sister in laws for dinner, so I thought I'd bake some cupcakes. Nothing fancy, just added chocolate butter icing and a chocolate freckle on top. Yummo!

The last few months I've been collecting pink and aqua fabric to make into a quilt for a daughter (if I have one, one day!). I love the range I've collected so far, and I'm quite surprised at how many different fabrics I've collected - now I just have to pick a pattern (and have a little girl, ha!).

The other thing I have to start this week is the doll that I am making my god daughter for her first birthday on the 29th January. Here is a picture of it, I have chosen some really sweet pink and green fabrics rather than the blue and red. Isn't it sweet?!

If you can, please pray for Kelly who has just had her first baby, Harper. Harper is having trouble breathing and has been diagnosed with serious pneumonia. Please pray for this lovely family, that they will know God's peace and comfort at this distressing time.


"Intentionally Katie" said...

I wish I could sew! I can't properly sew a button. It's such a great skill to have and I'm so jealous of others who sew. It just intimidates me!

Leslee P said...

yay! so glad you are back...  the cupcakes look yumm-o and i love the idea of a quilt for a daughter you do not have yet- sounds like something i would do! HEHE!  cannot wait to see it...  keep us posted.leslee

Jules said...

I love the doll!!! Where is the pattern and how can I get it? Also adore the fabrics. So beautiful. Here is a fairly simple quilt to perhaps try: